Here’s how to make the most of the summer without stressing yourself.

The summer season is here. Finally, we are able to spend hours outdoors. From sunrise to sunset, we long to be in the fresh air, enjoying the precious sunshine and warmth. Now that Summer is here, let’s make sure we make the very most out of this season. Some people feel as though they have to do extravagant things in order to make the most of the summer, however I will share with you a few things that you can do to make the most out of this summer doing simple everyday things.


Summer is becoming a lost art. Perhaps that’s why so many in our profession are losing heart. We run into summer at full velocity, and many teachers never slow down but tumble into more events for their children or themselves. Many of us volunteer too much, plan too much, and do too much—if we’re not careful, we start the fall without getting the most important things done.

The summer night is like a perfection of thought.

—Wallace Stevens

Here are some things and tips to make the most out of the summer:


1. Examine your expectations.


Are they realistic or unrealistic? Thinking, “I want to take three international vacations, find the love of my life, and start a new career”, though ambitious, might cause more stress than anyone should handle in a three-month period. Adjust expectations and make sure they are realistic and doable, and that your goals are internally motivated rather than created by external forces such as friends, family, or societal pressure.


2. Seek self-improvement.

Typically people wait until New Year’s or the start of the school year to make improvements to themselves like getting into shape, finding a job, or learning a new skill. Now is a good time to do these types of things because schedules are usually lighter and one doesn’t need to worry about complications from weather events. So, spend some time reflecting on things you’d like to change about yourself and improve and plot a strategy to get there.


3. Learn something new.

The antidote to boredom is to learn a new activity. Keep your brain active by learning a new language, taking a cooking class, or challenging yourself to any new activity. You’ll learn something new and possibly make new friends, too.


4. Maximize your Fridays.

Many companies offer early dismissal on Fridays in the summer or even the entire day off. Take advantage of it. Perhaps you can plan a three day weekend trip or do something during the day that you ordinarily wouldn’t be able to because of work.


5. Volunteer.

Volunteering can help stimulate the reward center in the brain and release neurotransmitters such as dopamine, making us feel good. My parents have been volunteering for several years at their local chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and a friend of mine talks fondly about the many years he read to the blind. Both have said that volunteering helps them to feel connected to the community and good about helping those in need. It also helps to put our own issues into perspective and not seem so significant.


6. Create a new tradition.

Think back to your childhood. Likely you have fond memories unique to summer. For me it’s family trips to Rhode Island beaches and watching fireworks. Enjoy an activity that can be repeated the following year and become a ritual. Traditions are behaviors and actions that provide a sense of identity, tell a story, strengthen family bonds, and of course, create memories that can be passed from one generation to the next. Make this the summer you start one that will live on.


7. Unplug, disconnect, and enjoy nature.

That’s right-for a few hours, forget about modern advances in technology and get lost in yourself and nature. You may find it surprisingly refreshing and re-energizing. In this day and age of 24/7 connections and news, the brain could benefit from communing with nature sans technology. Discover a new park, hiking trail, or green space and relax for a moment or two-or as many as you can spare.

2 thoughts on “Make the most of your summer

    This is exactly what i was looking for, thank you so much for these tutorials

    What a nice article. It keeps me reading more and more!

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